Wednesday, May 11, 2016

In The Bath (Revised)

I missed my colleagues today, I missed the sisters of mercy
& grace and Mother Abbess; with pain in my head realising I
could not face the day unless there was time for contributing
something to the general well-being in the world, did my best
buying gifts and solving puzzles of Arabic design, yet here I
am in distress - pain simply getting worse, gifts unwrapped -
could arctic cold reigning in the office because of an illness
that felled my colleagues, and is it now affecting me too?

I tried to escape in a book, planned a surprise for all those
indisposed on sick leave - now I’m the wreck - nowhere to
hide from myself, the pressure in my left ear like a balloon
fit to burst, feeling guilty for not appreciating the kindness
of everyone at work, for not finishing the task on my desk -
whatever happens now I can’t cope anymore and the only 
solution is to soak in the bath, let the steam open my ears
and alleviate the pain in my eyes; this crocodile is giving

Up, no more fighting the tightening muscles in my neck, just
going to lie in the bath praying that the ringing in my ears
will go away and I can enjoy being here - right now I feel
incarcerated in my body, absconding’s not an option, I tried
it today, a painful head stopped my flight ‘ere it began, this
is downright miserable, let me drown myself in the bath…

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