Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Spiritual Tsai-Wen [R]

On this dutiful day a skills audit workshop:
as the funny instructions to fill in the form
were idiotic, I completed it MY way - then
ate chicken mayonnaise in maple syrup -
also on its bland chips - a delicious meal,
returned to the office filled with joy - grey
clouds of accusation rising from morally
upright religious sisters are gone today -
as  health problems spirited them away

Ready to play with the list of 100 most
influential people: Roy Choi from Seoul –
a goodly soul, Jin Liqun from Cnangshu
drinking orange liqueur & doing jujitsu,
Tu Youyou from Ningbo and Kim Jong
Un of Pyongyang - reminding of Spike
Milligan’s Ning Nang Nong, add to that
the Taipei delight of spiritual Tsai-Wen
the Eternally Surprised who had a son

In Thief of Time by Prachett, don’t forget
the good Gou Pei representing Beijing,
add angst of Aung San Suu Kyi - like a
Suzuki - from Rangoon, leading to the
ice-cream sundae of Sundar Pichai &
pickles if you please - from Chennai –
then we traverse Jamshedpur, apricot
jam as you pour the tea, to the nimble
Priyanka Chopra and on to the benign

Shine of Bhopal’s Raghuram Rajan -
add the data carried in a satchel by
Sachin Bansal of Chandigarh, then
we declare: tongue twisters are fun!

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