Wednesday, October 26, 2016

All My Years [Rev]

A slow tortoise I divide each legal sentence into
small bits, check terms against each alternative
and paste the whole together again, knowing it
must be checked also after phrases have been
joined in the new synergy of another language

Without previous experience it’s hit-and-miss as
I choose what seems right to my inexperienced
eye, when it becomes just too much I read some
paragraphs in Pratchett’s Last Continent & enjoy
a Housekeeper’s victory over learned Wizards

Who are embarrassed when she teaches the god
of evolution about natural procreation so replacing
the slow process when assembling unique beings
piece by piece, many layers of meaning fascinate
with Evolution & Creationism theories juxtaposed

As gloriously unsubstantiated assumptions given
empirical positivism versus consciousness as the
driving principle of every precise detail - amazing
humanity in lying beyond a blind chaos of simple,
repetitive million-to-one-odds creative processes

Time slows down and I’m forever stuck in my now,
maybe it’s the portal spirituals always define as the
only reality - an eternal moment in which my spirit
will be stuck on one wavelength until a miraculous
subconscious movement to another wavelength –

To do this I listen to the most beautiful voice I can
find to silence my thoughts & touch my heart, with
this beautiful sound in my ears, I can live through
all my years spent in this infinity….

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