Thursday, October 30, 2014

Lifted Unto Heaven [REV.]

Even ifI’m not the most brilliant person
I have ever met - and why should I be,
what difference would it make to me –
content in the ice-blue square of cloth
stretching from me to my screen, to my
right pink roses in a vase complemented
by a place-mat in a periwinkle blue

To my left silver glitter on purple wings,
a silver mask and white flowers, Villette
recreated with Charlotte Brontë posing
as "Lucy Snowe" on the glass rectangle
of imitation ice, fairy and snow flake on
a coloured stone - my new white kettle
elevated to the table

Lifted the plug up to my desk & covered
it with small roses to pose a real fire risk
I secretly hope - interesting to find out; a
flower basket in front of yellowed autumn
leaves, a bright green cloth covering the
cooler, notepaper with Marie Antoinette
and parasol, walking her dog

One large transparent rose next to a text
on fragile countries while I surf beyond the
multiverse by means of the web, I love my
little paradise where the song is clear; my
injured foot feels better and I’m humbled
by providence for bringing me here even
though frustration will interfere

And pull me down, the wonder of it all lifts
my soul, with the Moonlight Sonata playing
in my ears I’m lifted unto heaven…

[30 October 2014]

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