Monday, December 29, 2014

A Belligerent Insistence [REV.]

It’s not WHAT the dear child says -
but HOW she says it - belligerently,
with insistence, demanding listeners
differ so she can proclaim her vastly
superior opinions - she sounds just
like Doctor-Know-It-All, who knows
nothing whatsoever; her taunting

voice rising in offensiveness until 
I need run away to stop detonating
my explosive telepathic messages;
her demeanour & attitude can’t fail
to alienate listeners - substantiating
her claim everyone rejects her and
life is awful: at least she sees to it

That its insufferable for everyone in
her vicinity; I don’t have the spiritual
power to withstand such negatively
wilful spite, she throws the gauntlet
down in remarks intent on goading
listeners to negative reply; I refuse
to take the bait, bite my tongue

Feel an inevitable mental explosion
corroding my soul - & thus need to
leave; one day someone is bound to
tell her why people depart so quickly
when she’s around spitting her spite,
squelching all the little pleasures that
makes life so beautifully worthwhile….

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