Thursday, December 2, 2010

The MerryHell Book*

Michelle wrote me the most riveting message*:

She has added new characters to the MerryHell
book we are going to write together going write
when the ‘late-slumbering-wakers-cum-pushers-
of-work-until-leave-golems receive new chems
instructing them to overcome their fiery “Have
just woken up from a thousand-year sleep and
must dump work on others before my journey
to the sea”

Their new chem will instruct them to walk into
the ocean of the Bermuda Triangle and start
digging for Atlantis for the next thousand years
where Adora Belle Dearheart cannot save them
only Leonard of Quirm will eventually dig them out
to resurrect them on the periphery of the Dungeon
Dimensions to act as deterrents to new generations
of foolish creatures using Information Technology

Michelle also feels like a dwarf, although singing
cheerfully has dwindled for her to a whispering
whistle which is all she can muster at the moment
and it might not be a good idea to give her an axe
Cheery Littlebottom she is not, I think, on reflection
she and I are both turning into Valkyries, strong
women on flying horses chanting hi-ho-to! while
collecting the slain corpses

Of idiotic golems to be taken to Dunmanifestin'
for eternal war and feastin' - hi-ho-to!

*Quotations taken from Michelle’s email message

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