Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lost To Understanding (Revised)

Better to be dead than to suffer whatever
reality it is that makes us feel so mean and
lost to understanding. My twin explained
I was the Christmas ‘problem’s’ cause, her
feelings hurt by my words and phrasing, an
offer to take Dad to the holiday resort was
being GOOD because she thought I did not
want to see her and my mother at all – how
it all came down to ME being unfeeling

I did not even try to explain that her words
‘Drop off dad’s present, then come with me
on a trip into the bush, IGNORE your dad’ –
caused home-turf agonies; I know my idea
that she should invite my family to her abode
backfired, accept it as my fault - my father’s
unhappiness was due to my lack of insight in
voicing an opinion - which so clearly lacks
all vestiges of love and consideration

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