Monday, January 23, 2012

Unique, Eccentric Things

Women over age forty complain they are invisible
to men, must appear young and lie about age for
attention - this problem does not exist for people
like me who never caught the male eye because
we never appealed by attending to them

It is hard work to idealise anyone and the loss of
cheap admiration seems to be an advantage as
fake charm to exploit a dame never held interest,
older women should rejoice that they are free
from false compliments to court their favour

Women who complain about this benefit must
have been used to wolf-whistles; since my pre-
occupations kept me safe from such practices
I don’t suffer losing superficial meaningless
things - I have little sympathy with

Feminine types who live for compliments, yet
can appreciate the variety they provide; never
want individual ideas to be lost; I love unique,
eccentric things for the interesting contrast
they always provide through their being

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