Monday, June 9, 2014

Main Course And Sauce

Our Department happily paid
one million bucks for nine
pages of absolute junk

A language policy for the land
devised and prescribed by a
group of lawyers out there

The text has not been proof-
read, terms not clarified, the
concept of eleven national

Languages not understood, all
reduced to 5 mother tongues
and the question remains

Why these 5 & not the other
6 languages, we pay these
service providers to fleece

Our fledgling state because the
dear, warm, affectionate people
in charge are easy prey

Don’t know how to protect us
against the wolves out there
and it is quite possible

AMCU’s mine strike is funded
by outsiders to destabilise so
foreign powers can move in

And who can stop them? No-
body, of course - it’s a free
market out there and we

Are the starters, main course
and sauce…

[South Africa is targetted by all the conmen out there...]

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