Monday, June 23, 2014

What We Believe [REVISED]

Terry Pratchett’s mantra is what we believe is true,
we create the gods who annoy us to explain every
thing that happens in the Discworld, many religious
Pantheons are created by human imagination, then
acquire a life of their own as in Theosophy

Mrs Blavatsky visited Tibet and learned regretfully
when she visualised a companion it took form and
caused her woe, being unwilling to do her bidding,
she gave up the practice and I decided to imagine
beautiful, loving and considerate beings only

To populate my imaginary world, I’d never have to
harmonise with dark, menacing frequencies where
wavelengths match feelings &  long ago it seemed
violent forces strangled me as I fell asleep and no
holy word came to my mouth to chase these

Menacing powers away, at my wit’s end I chanted
my dad’s invigorated rant and the deeply resonant
frequency disappeared; since then I rejoiced in his
words “witdulsies en lewensessens” - the essence
of which is the worst taste in the world, nobody

Can stand the terribly bitter taste, obviously it will
defeat everything bad - the devil himself dribbles
at mere mention of this vile medicine which is the
only fear of many a demonic enclave - thank you
dad for providing me with life-giving words to

Save me from non-physical attacks; I’ll always
remember that beneath your unruly appearance
a beautiful spirit lurks…

[23 June 2014]

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