Friday, June 13, 2014

Tornado In Overdrive [Revised]

Came home early to find a state of war in the house,
kitchen destroyed, dismantled gas stove, chairs on
table, dirty brown water in wash basin, steam cooker
disabled, loud music on patio, garden chairs stacked
in military rows on outside steps

It’s our domestic manager ravening through the house
as a soldier on fire, a tornado in overdrive; an insistent
noise follows me into the sunroom without escape from
this torture, a brilliant technique perfected by the KGB-
I can’t stand it and flee without keys

Anything’s better than this destruction – why can’t our
domestic queen finish one thing before tackling another,
I speed away in the car seeking asylum in the library but
it is closed, on to the shops and eat myself into a stupor
chocolates and spring rolls so oily and old

It’s practically life-threatening, come home to find our
domestic goddess ironing & swaying to gospel music
in the sun-room, no more outside noise and I find Spy
Hard on TV, finally come to rest laughing at slapstick
comedy - my insides simmer down

My cell phone’s on line and my nerves are stilled, now
for a quiet night and tomorrow I can be myself again…

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