Saturday, February 6, 2016

A Frozen Brain [Rev]

The cause of all my heart-ache asked me what’s
wrong mom, I quoted my litany of woes - oh, she
said, pacified, and told me of a nightmare which
indicated she was stressed and worried - then it
struck me: I can’t get over the fact that she’ll be
leaving ALL ALONE to go to Mexico - the list of
dangers awaiting her growing longer in my mind,
she’s so small cheating traders will mistake her
for a child & in the end she gives up arguing

She might be lonely - evil strangers could take
advantage of her with no-one there to protect her,
her leaving is traumatic - yet this is such a great
opportunity I can’t stand in her way so I pay the
dues of motherhood: a frozen brain that stopped
working as anxiety’s overriding everything, I can’t
think with unseeing eyes - cook vegetables then
forget to eat - sit and stare as pain of imminent
loss destroys the physical world: she’s going

Away all alone, she dreamed the devil drove
her demon-possessed car - another scar on
my heart filled with fear for her safety, freezing
my mind - no firing synapses left in my brain due
to heartache - I wish to keep her where we can
protect her - an impossibility, my heart’s frozen
too, my whole life’s freezing in the fear of one
frantic thought: she’s going away all alone and
I can’t stop her….

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