Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Flee Being Me [R]

All’s calm, boring sentences without charm, life 
quietly continuing its languid flow - I’m checking
expressionless terms - suddenly all hell breaks
loose, colleague’s voice rising in cadences, I’m 
trying to find my IPod, unplug the earphones to 
find Chopin playing on computer adding to the 
rumpus, plug lost in growing confusion and a 
hot flush of frustration makes matters worse

Finally, plug located & La Cumparsita calms my
nerves - but after this fracas my concentration - 
always on the brink of extinction, is lost, a new 
me in a different universe: Will she continue with 
the grey translation or go Internet-surfing to find 
Seth explaining a self is infinite, extent limitless, 
as yet she’s typing notes on what just happened 
so I can’t tell what she’ll do next, but she’s very 

Compliant, quiet and self-reliant, I think she will 
continue where I broke off, live the life I have to 
flee being me…

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