Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cheerful Independence

Filling in a leave form with a brain of frozen foam
turned into a great administrative marathon - got
the date wrong, a signature forgotten - Madame
La Pompadour rolled her eyes looking stern and
wise while admonishing me, a momzilla carrying
on as if nobody ever had a child as dear as mine:

You’re a fool to think your kid – with such poise
and self-assurance, will have problems flying to
Mexico, this will be a breeze for her, - & I agree
knowing this was true for different reasons, the
host of angels going with her keeps growing as
I implore for more; the whole world covered by

Figures of light assuring me they will guard my
darling all the time; only people vetted by them
will cross her path and ruffians intercepted ‘ere
they arrive:  I looked up and saw her personal
bodyguard ready to take flight & embark with
her, my heart is light since Whispering Hope

Is here and made it clear that a girl so dear will
never be alone, her faith’s strong, her integrity
formed by John Maxwell & her theories of love
based on Leo Buscaglia, she’ll honour the least
important and be reserved towards the rich and
arrogant; laughing, taking photos, working hard

Having a good time while saving for her vision
of cheerful independence in which she’ll be
an angel herself…

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