Friday, December 30, 2022

Attack Is Attracted

Self-preservation through mutual respect seems so

logical - so obvious - thus you must forgive me when

I suspect brain damage in the case of my friend Vicky

who never gives an inch to anybody as she believes

this world is unjust, thus she seeks to create trouble

Wherever she goes to produce evidence to confirm her

belief that the world is a bad place and NOBODY is to

be trusted, Vicky walks through the world with her fists

up - ready to protect herself from attack - with such a

belligerent attitude that attack is attracted & invariably

Comes to prove her darkest suspicions - - yet if she’d

only be kind and considerate; she would find that the

world is a wonderful, happy place where people help

each other without ever requiring aggression to get

anything done: Vicky lives on her own planet where

Everyone is out to get her - especially me as I have -

 apparently - deprived Vicky of sustenance since she

has known me when we were kids and so she uses

her powers to evoke antagonism - as angry people

make her feel she has proof for her theory that the


WHOLE world is out to get her…

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