Friday, August 1, 2014

King Of The Universe

Brilliant course, of course I made a mess in the
end: train, bus to be at the my daughter’s studio
before walking down to the venue to attend the
Linnegar Basic Copy Editing and Proofreading
Class for a certificate - late on Friday - to find

My daughter being late for a shoot; my beloved
starving at home - staring at the Food Channel
so I could feel remorse at my having delighted
in life - purple shirt and scarf - telling various
publishing houses representatives how much

Fun bureaucratic government service was - all
claimed it would kill them to work for the State,
I explained it was heaven on earth because even
breathing was declared illegal - thus life itself
became a special privilege - I felt just like

Pratchett’s Wen, The Eternally Surprised, on seeing
the beauty of cherry blooms forever on the brink of
blooming into life – symbolic of my dreams – being
Cinderella forever - never getting to the ball – never
meeting a fairy godmother to turn my life around

Just dreaming of turning my sweet little daughter’s
life around by making it possible for her to meet the
future King of the Universe…

[1 August 2014]

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