Monday, August 4, 2014

Talking In Chirrups

Have you ever listened to a group of adults talking
to a baby in goo-goo-speak, the kind that makes you
wish to hit the idiots with a stick till they never make
another gurgling sound again – any group of people
who follow a guru and develop their own jargon run
the risk of starting to sound like this, more so when
the group starts a site on the Internet

When I found a group rolling in syrup and talking in
chirrups - claiming they follow one of my favourite
guru’s, it was ridiculous - it makes sense that friends
of these clowns warn against the guru - but it’s not the
leader who is at fault, it is these darn idiots who make
a mockery of every common-sense thing - I never join
the disciples of any speaker or trend

As people flocking in groups can make a travesty of
anything – creating a language that points out their
shortcomings – my advice is read anything, evaluate
everything and keep your own counsel to the end….

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Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...