Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Strange And Awesome In 3 Parts

Part 1

I should be translating depressing President letters –
but whereas I feel lost and guilty when there is no work
on my desk; having depressing work I feel rebellious and
fancy-free and surf the web happily and guilt-free, feeling
forgiven and justified by having to RUN for LIFE from the
work texts threatening me. When my I am given too much
work at once, work that makes me cringe, I feel absolved
when I write poetry – because the mountain of menacing
documents is driving me crazy and I HAVE to escape –
so my survival depends on poetry. And without work on
my desk and no need to flee, I can’t think of any poetry!

Isn’t this strange –  and awesome –  at the same time?

Part 2

Just remember, sweet-talking one, too many macadamias
made you ill last time and by sweet-talking I refer to your
rhyming, alliterative, assonance lines; wonderful poem, all
onomatopoeia; beware the slow-roasting delight by which
you are digging your own grave, and thank you for your
kind trust in me; being successful will cost me my life or
at least my spirit, already I feel it rising out of my mind
to leave me empty and sad as I fight a senseless boredom
of forlorn legislative administrative mind-numbing lines….

Part 3

I envisage how I clamour for help from colleagues who
think I’m brain-dead and how I just ask everybody who
knows Afrikaans legislation to help me find the correct
terms, taking my sweet time to get the threatening text
done; after hanging myself given the sad slow pace of
my lack-of-progress through depressing President letters,
after being guillotined for displeasing Scorpio, Lord and
Master of the Crocodile Castle, and after you tut-tutted
me and failed to show befitting sorrow at my envisaged
Via Dolorosa - aha, this macabre piece of Bizarre Horror
makes me feel ever so much better now!

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