Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Report Again [REV.]

The Duchess called - the Queen of Hearts
had another fall - hurt her eye on the same
side as when she had to undergo surgery
after the left side of her face was crushed;
and her knee also, carrying packages at 80
years of age, rocks in her path, and I cried,
scared, too far from Mom and Dad in the
Cape, I HATE it when she falls, she should
be playing piano, dad should listen before
retiring to his own den; so I ask, why was

Today so horrible, did telepathy bring the
news subliminally; now in knowing what’s
wrong I still can’t reach them, cell phones
say unavailable, must wait till the Duchess
returns to de Rust from Oudtshoorn for an
update - how did I get into a state without
exactly knowing - was I playing truant or
did my subconscious warn me something
was amiss - still waiting for the full news -
the Duchess yet to see Mom or Dad -

Conan the Barbarian needed sugar-water
after helping mom from the fall - and I’m
still waiting as my phone does not ring; I
wonder what the Queen of Hearts looks
like, and when my sis will report again…

[20 August 2014]

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