Friday, January 2, 2015

A Gorgeous Ice Palace [REV.]

Snowflakes hung in the window of my imitation
ice palace, viewing “Frozen” again, wishing for
Snow Queen power to create wonders in ice,
completely alone & content to live in freedom 
without fear, inventing new snowflake crystal
designs through strings of melodious words

Creating a new crystal-based language while
communicating in elegant geometrical shapes
of turquoise, azure & sapphire blue - lightened
by pure yellow nasturtiums and soft pink roses,
delighting the eye with snow crystals like these
in my snow sitting room - the fireplace adorned

With silver strings, snow-white roses in rainbow
glitter taking centre stage, my Delft-blue figurine
standing next to the new angel in her own snow-
flake bubble, a gift from my kids; it’s cold enough
in sad grey weather caused by December’s end
to fold a warm blue blanket around me

January will put a sparkle in everybody’s eyes as
challenges will lead us to discover our character -
while consequences of our deeds will teach us to
become accountable for our decisions, ideals and
dreams - or at least to enjoy being devilish – like
a Snow Queen running away to create

A gorgeous ice palace…

[2 January 2015]

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