Monday, January 26, 2015

Ideals Of Views & Dimly Lighting The Way

Ideals Of Views

Is it possible to respond to disappointment with
the honour, dignity and courage as prescribed
for a meaningful life that brings happiness and
pride? Can we respond to all temptations and
challenges in the same way? Trying to find out

I’m meeting today’s disappointment with as much
dignity, courage and honour I can muster, reading
quotes on the Internet about the true source of real
happiness; turning my mental station to FM Classic,
listening to soothing music while thinking about my

Ultimate goal, the relief found by releasing mental
pressure in words appearing on screen, dreaming
of being a beauty queen - the most difficult of all
fantasies were I ever seen; luckily imagination is
stubborn and refuses to conform to reality

I still run and dance everywhere in my mind, having
a tomboy life, achieving nothing more than enjoying
spring mornings on pristine snow-covered hills, also
watching the ideals of views I desire to see growing
in my mind…


 Dimly Lighting The Way

Finding a ray of light: happiness is a switch I flick
in my brain and has nothing to do with applause,
praise or intensity; happiness is a state of balance,
order, rhythm and harmony, not concerned with
self-gratification but fidelity to a worthy purpose

Best of all, happiness depends on self-discipline –
the very object of my life as a child, though I failed
to attain happiness when success was my only goal,
once happiness came by staying sane and setting
reachable standards while sorting out my values

I also achieved success; happiness means something
different to each person but serves the same purpose:
makes us feel at ease, satisfied and calm, hopeful and
dreamy – and this is all I ever want, a far-off mystery
inviting me to follow by the light of the little

Glow-worms of hope, dimly lighting the way…

[26 January 2015]

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