Sunday, October 23, 2011

Listen To Yourself

Finally, your subconscious managed to
communicate, to state how much you
hate being alone in that flat, those in
control got the message and made
the changes so long overdue, you
shall have a new apartment

You shall work in a different office; you hid
your unhappiness for far too long, hid your
fear behind a smile that grew more brittle
every day, your fragile self-control was
shattering yet no-one picked up the
cues to rewrite the script

Least of all you, you never listen to yourself,
this time your inner being came out, made
its plea and see - everything changed over-
night; next time leave your dreamy state
and directly explain what you feel, do
not wait until pain starts to peel

The masks from your face – so painful and
unnecessary if you will only say what is in
your heart – next time please try, as for
now – I am so glad you are free!

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