Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Gesticulating Discussion (REVISION)

There it is, differences in our families: the rational in
yours; calm, collected, no driving passions, dramatic
sadness or manic agitation - everything controlled

Mine's all passion, melodrama, affectation, feral vigour
exploding into eruptions of lava-like feeling; I feel the
loss but love gaining rational calm and quiet respect

It costs; I sigh into delight knowing fury and destruction
are too much, but we can't have one without the other,
always moving between joy and despair, each with

pros and cons; at home noisy acting makes me feel
alienated, here deliberate rationalism lacks in that
vitality - yet Hans has passion for politics and job

Hubby and Sis freeze our fervently discussed analysis
of South African politics, we escape their tight control
and have a grand time - there was great rapport

We left today with hubby's Sis saying she stops Hans
declaiming; I smile, we've made a pact to pick up again
when a social call offers occasion to be by ourselves

We mean to solve South Africa's problems in big, loud,
gesticulating discussion, shouting at each other, being
melodramatic as a pair of Italian prima donnas!

20 March 2013

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