Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Delight In Authenticity

I still sometimes shrink - how dare I write something
assuming somebody would want to read what I have
to say, then immediately overcome the problem by
reflecting someone like you - with a brilliant mind
straightens skew and awkward limbs and polish
uneven surfaces - ergo - I shall keep on writing
because there is one consciousness who has
not given up on me

Sometimes I gasp at my own audacity to assume
somebody might think I have something worth-
while to say in the face of language gurus’ claims
modern readers cannot be interested in our little
lives - then that treacherous thought is replaced
by the assurance, as long as one mind reads and
sometimes laughs and remains a presence of
benevolence, it does not matter

What other people think, once again THANK you so
much for being there; whenever I wonder in concern
whether you still like my stuff since you do not make
comment, I look at your loyalty and remember you
said it once and what you said is cast in stone never
to change until you expressly say - that is the way
you are - I always keep the faith that should you
have a change of heart

I would be the first to know; I hope my deductions
are on a par with what you think - if you do not
reply I shall assume ‘tis so and rejoice, if they
are false, kindly put me right; though I suspect
there is no need for fear because of your
delight in authenticity!

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