Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Heat-Stroke Murderer

There must be an autistic idiot with multiple personalities in charge of
our air-con, when temperatures in winter fell to 3 degrees Celsius the
air-con was put on freeze, everybody complained, we need more
heat, but icy air poured forth

Then temperatures started to soar to 30 degrees during the day and NOW
the simpering, evil-minded idiot has turned up the temperature so we fry,
it should be rather funny, but I could kill, should you read

of a heat-stroke murderer in Kingsley - you should know it was ME! 

[I work in Kingsley Centre, situated in the erstwhile Beatrix Street which
has now happily been renamed Steve Biko Street, it’s wonderful isn’t
it – my address keeps on changing without my having to move my feet!]

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