Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I Have a Correspondent

How interesting - having studied Abraham-Hicks’ on-line messages from
1997 to date, to read criticism levelled against Esther Hicks. Having read
EVERYTHING on the Internet – and you know me, I do read everything
and printed lots of it to read on paper, having read their journal, watched
their DVD and listening to their introduction CD, I am surprised and
amused that people make such FALSE accusations against them.

They have NEVER asked for money, their products are for sale and one
is free to buy or not - and their message changed my life around and led
me to post poetry on the Internet – only through the motivation and encou-
ragement they gave was I able to overcome my fear. I would have lost
my best friend and Big Bro if I were left to my own scary fantasies, but
working on the positive rules they teach, I was able to keep in touch
with him.

If I had allowed my own ideas to guide me, I would never have com-
municated with you after making a fool of myself - too much enthusiasm
and getting everything wrong – but Abraham’s message enabled me to
continue through the darkest parts of my journey.

And their message of attraction is daily proved in my life. When I am under
the influence of the allergy and my brain malfunctions, I do everything wrong
as my muscles and whole central nervous system are affected – and people
react negatively to me; even my loved ones find me odious at those times  
and no amount of help offered changes my negative and anxious

But when I follow my diet and are symptom-free, I find myself smiling and
relating to people with kindness and they react to me with joy. I only get
from people what I send out to them, and I experience everything
Abraham says.

I used to think the world was full of lovely people and I was a horrible
person for evoking negative responses – now I know the world is full
of ordinary people who BECOME lovely when I accost them with joy –
which I can only do when I am allergy-free. When I am delighted, I
evoke such delight from others, it seems like we are in heaven. When
I am in a position to help people, I can overcome the allergy-symptoms
– if they are not too strong  – and still evoke a positive response – but
when allergy-free, I evoke the most wonderful reaction from people.

I used to think everybody was always smiling and kind because they are
such special people. Then I discovered that they are reacting to my smile-
and if my smile is not there, they react differently. I send out a vibration
and it returns to me, exactly like Abraham says. I am so glad I don’t have
to defend my work against anybody who dislikes inconsistency - because
my poetry is an example of inconsistent ideas and feelings - being
anonymous, I don’t fear people querying my work – thank heaven.
I have great admiration for Esther that she is able to lay herself
bare to criticism.

As usual, individuals form groups around Abraham’s ideas and make a
mess of it – as ALL groups do – so I remain a lone wolf doing my own
thing and applying what works without having to answer to anybody
and without getting drawn into any cult – I am too inconsistent 
for that too!

I needed to explain my views after reading the comments on the Internet,
and hallelujah; I have a correspondent to whom I can direct my musings;
otherwise I would have had to swallow my  ideas and BURST!

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