Monday, March 12, 2012

Our Own Discoveries

In lofty circles of great believers
Miracle Plays, Jesus dying, Paul
singing praise songs in jail; those
without gift of faith cannot exceed

Their limitations, though admiring
the strengthening effect of faith
on integrity - not experiencing
the effect themselves

Faith an ideal, we admire people
who accomplish big things, read
and dream about these - writing
poems afterwards, sharing

Lack of spiritual gifts, content in
discovering reality provides little
evidence of things we admire-
wonderful, we feel the same

We help each other uncover the
fallacies and accept ideals can’t
be realised in our universe - a
few content with dreams only

Making peace with this, others still
furious discovering non-existence
feeling justly cheated because
great expectations of

false illusions had been promoted -
enticement just showed how great
life could have been, now seems
more sordid in comparison

Experience shatters, disappointment
in impossible ideals voiced in pain –
we are strengthened by objecting
to the deceptions

That have been perpetrated - enabling
all to face our own discoveries…


My Own Discoveries
In the lofty circles of the great believers, the Miracle
Plays presented for humankind by Jesus Christ and
St Paul singing praise songs in jail - I’m an outsider
who hasn’t received the gift of faith, can’t overcome
her limitations, admires faith’s effect on people with
integrity but have not experienced the effect myself

I admire FAITH as an ideal to strive for – but which I
only desire like a child dreaming of toys or sweets; I
admire people who accomplish big things - yet have
not accomplished much, all I excel in is reading great
books and feeling a glow of contentment, then writing
short pieces about it that sometimes grow into poems

Tim LaHaye says thankfulness is like pushing a large
stone uphill, when one stops concentrating the stone
rolls down and one has to start all over again – there-
fore I am thankful for the allergy; thank you to all who
have also not received faith or elevating spiritual gifts
I feel so much better knowing we share the same fate

Of all the things I admire & see as enchanting ideals
there is very little evidence in reality, the most wonder-
ful thing is that there are others who feel the same and
help me uncover the fallacy; I accept that these ideals
can’t be realised in our reality, content to possess a
gift of dreams, imagination and fantasy - though

I still wish for them occasionally, trying not to be bitter
about the discovery they do not exist – while you are
still angry about the discovery of their non-existence,
you feel cheated and disgusted that false expectation
of these illusions had been promoted in the first place,
enticement showing how great life could have been

Making everything seem more sordid in comparison,
experience of reality shattered these illusions, your
disappointing discovery of false ideals show up in
words which denote extreme vexation, to say the
least – though I still approve that people can
come up with ideals, I feel strengthened by

Your strong objections to the deceptions that have
been perpetrated, it enables me to face my own

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