Thursday, March 22, 2012

Peer Group Ridicule

Drosnin’s book is intriguing, he suspects encoded
events are presented as alternate probabilities and
our action determines outcomes - a far cry from the
accusation that Drosnin supposedly says the Bible
predicts the future

When experiments proved the Bible Code exists; he
used this information - which scientists claim has no
meaning at all - in an attempt to save Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin and so scientists turned a cold shoulder
– how dare Drosnin

Defile their noncommittal discovery of such a code by
using it in a pragmatic way when they refuse practical
application, it is sacrilege to use this to prevent murder
as prediction is anathema to them, rather have the world
blown to pieces than

See the ‘impeccable’ method of science applied to save
mankind, rather perish and die than admit that knowledge
of the future could prevent a cataclysm – luckily Drosnin
is a journalist, not bound by the stupidity of the academic
community - his warnings were ignored -

Yet he showed how much more preferable common sense
is compared to the intellectual rigidity and fear of peer
group ridicule of the statistical experts

[On p 18 Drosnin claims no-one can tell whether an encoded
event is predetermined or exist as possibility only, he thinks
the Bible encodes various probabilities and our action
determines outcomes]

The Bible Code, Michael Drosnin, Weidenfeld &
Nicolson, 1997 ----

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