Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stuck In Deep Freeze

I am not a golem, though I try to become one,
I make it up as I go but have too many feelings
and golems are not bothered with those, I love
it that Adora Belle Dearheart likes them, if I could,
I would have pulled a switch, annihilated emotions
and become the best golem that has ever been

I think my youth was spent in an attempt to turn
into a golem, I put so many rolls of chem in my
head and ameliorated them yet the end effect is
that I have so many surplus feelings invading my
heart and destroying the uplifting effect of sacred
words, I am stuck in deep freeze like the crew of
the Philadelphia Experiment, wading in a molasses
of thought and feelings that impedes my progress
towards becoming a clay person - pottery with a
fire burning within, working unstoppably,
no feelings at all...

Going Postal – Terry Pratchett – Doubleday 2004
pp. 152-155

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