Saturday, May 3, 2008

She Sang While She Worked

Sophia was very worried about the condition of her very old dress and explained to Karl that she needed to find a job as kitchen maid in one of the nearby kingdoms so she could save enough money to buy herself a new dress. Karl said he was a fugitive and could not accompany her to the Castle where she was to apply for a job, and she promised to come back to the wood every afternoon and say hallo to Karl before continuing her work in the evenings.

Sophia found a job as kitchen maid and sang all day long while she washed dished, peeled potatoes, wiped kitchens and pantries, washed dishcloths, cleaned tables – and every afternoon when they had a moment free for tea, she ran to the edge of the wood to say hallo to Karl who offered her a fish he had caught and prepared over the coals, and after a quick embrace she ran back to the castle to work some more and receive her daily fee of five pence which she carefully saved to buy herself a new dress…

As it was raining on the Saturday, Sophia accompanied Karl to the brightly painted wagon in the woods and inside they made pancakes with lots of cinnamon sugar, then they read stories to each other, sang old songs and lay down under the lovely eiderdown to listen to the cold wind sighing outside while they were warm and snug inside, drinking Glűhwein and laughing and teasing each other a lot!

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