Monday, December 28, 2009

Washing Machine Fantasy

The soul of my washing machine is deeply
perturbed, with ponderous slowness, with
languid insouciance, it contemplates every
step must take, the old rivalry between ef-
ficiency, the washing machine and me
surfacing again

The washing machine detests me and my
frivolous ways, I dared change its sacred
settings, now it sulks, refusing to move to
new cycles, stops mid-action to meditate;
FM Classic playing Vivaldi which drives
me to totally mad

I refuse to play the machine’s handmaiden,
interfere with every cycle, add extra water,
this machine has been my Nemesis since
Day One but I shall overcome, I am doing
the washing on MY terms, double-quick,

Refusing to bow to the rules laid down by
machine programmers, such slow progress
would drive a saint nuts and I am no saint,
I have no patience at all, I delight in taking
shortcuts when the ways of yore are mere
tradition, meaningless in itself

I’ll show the washing machine I know my
rights as a human being - entitled to
innovation and freedom!

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