Sunday, August 21, 2011

Magnificent Obsession (Revised)

Chapter Twelve – aspire to some magnificent obsession
greater than yourself – be determined, commit to
big dreams and ideals

sideline the mundane for a grand target effective in
its overall permanence, no trifling, petty frivolities or
meaningless chatter, only a good sense of humour

obsolete or redundant tomorrows lack worthwhileness* ,
will not leave marks or footholds for others to build upon
we must set new discovery benchmarks for others

in science, the Arts, industry, stepping stone challenges for
future generations, like Mozart, Anna Pavlova, Sister Theresa,
Anne Franck, Helen Keller, Jane Austen, Newton and Einstein –

created permanence in their fields, a magnificent obsession
with global impact benefiting people in believable and practical
form, giving power and drive to create and pursue lifes goals

using strong principles: do unto others, respect self and all
others, forgive unconditionally as protection against
arrogance and corrupting influences of power

magnificent obsessions keep us strong in hopelessness,
focused with spirits raised when crushed and directionless,
motivated to realize our dreams…

Based on chapter 12 in “How To Be Motivated All The Time”
by Peter J Daniels - 1987 House of Tabor
pp 101, 102, 103* worthwhileness, 104


Chapter twelve – aspire to something greater than
yourself - in magnificent obsession, in determined
commitment to big dreams and ideals

No trifling, petty frivolities and meaningless chatter,
only a good sense of humour, sideline the mundane
in the overall goal of the grand target

Effective in its permanence, the obsolete or redundant
tomorrow lacks worthwhileness* , cannot leave marks or
footholds for others to build upon

We can set new discovery benchmarks in music, science,
industry, mathematics, education, medicine, politics,
religion, challenges as stepping stones

For future generations, like Mozart, Anna Pavlova, Sister
Theresa, Anne Franck, Helen Keller, Jane Austen, Newton
and Einstein – creating permanence in their fields

A magnificent obsession with global impact which benefits
people in believable and practical form, gives you power
and drive to create and pursue a life goal

Use strong principles: do unto others, respect yourself and
everyone else, forgive unconditionally, as protection against
arrogance and the corrupting influence of power

Magnificent obsessions keep us going in disappointment and
hopeless discouragement, keep us strong and lift us up, give
us clarity and direction

When we feel crushed and confused – and give us the
motivation we need to realize our dreams…

Based on chapter 12 in “How To Be Motivated All The Time”
by Peter J Daniels - 1987 House of Tabor
pp 101, 102, 103* worthwhileness, 104

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