Friday, September 2, 2011

To Get Along

When my mother, sister and I get together, we
need the help of the Dog Whisperer to calm us
down, make the brain enter a calm submissive
state from overexcited and totally confused

when I say something, my sister gets angry,
when my mother does something, she grows
agitated, we seem to be in a permanent state
of frontal brain activity as if spinning within a

whirlwind when we share the same space, I
go into existential angst when they are with me,
disapproving of one another’s conversation,
acting like psychopathic schizophrenics

we had a great time today - sort of - but I wish
we could get the help of the Dog Whisperer to
help harmonise our wildly fibrillating and
fluctuating brain waves

and enter a happy, quiet, satisfied, meditative
state whenever we try to get along...

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