Thursday, February 16, 2012

Laughing Leonine Warmth

So the games began: Marius, Aries, said if he
were wealthy, he’d never work for a boss - he
has problems with colleagues and hates being
cooped up with a computer; Nina, horse-loving
Capricorn, said colonisation brought infra-
structure to Africa

Our African colleague had apoplexy – Christine
our warm, loving Leo, dousing the flames: every
nation and continent have been coloniser AND
colonised in turns, she explained; in fact, Arabs
ruled Europe for centuries, Gaul suffered under
Roman occupation

Rima, honest, fiery Sagittarius; started a cam-
paign to hijack the class: told Christine politics
is the topic to be discussed - being such a scared
Cancerian I spoke up - Not figures, statistics and
politics again, died a thousand deaths last year -
lion-hearted* Christine

Said in royal comment: Language should be fun
stereotyping humour will be discussed, today
it’s cute reasons for working and colloquial
expression - Capricorn immediately took
umbrage, said coarse idioms should be
banned – Christine said

One student left class when she taught street
jargon - Paris and Marseilles - laughing with
leonine warmth; lighting up my day and I, a
tactful Cancer; saw light at the end of the
dark tunnel in which my imagination
seemed to be dying already...

* Lion-hearted = Coeur de Lion

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Dying Eventually

Listening to my favourite Internet guru, quite clearly this works for many people as they repeat the jargon flawlessly and I wish I could ge...