Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Between Dream And Reality

Started this day without preliminaries,
jumped straight into my document, didn’t
read something else first, typing a list,
meaning I’m adrift in a sea of meaning-
lessness, no anchor to stabilize my mind,
nothing to direct my eye to a predetermined
lodestar, without balance and direction pre-set,
I feel lost and time doesn’t pass

I HAVE to embark on a quest for the Golden Fleece,
anything can become my ideal as long as I have a
thought that can act as the metronome keeping time
indicating progress towards my ideal, or how much I’m
vacillating, sitting here without a purpose for the day
leaves me nervous and without self-confidence, Terry
Pratchett left me high and dry last night with the heroine
turning into a goddess, Lady Summer, where she puts her

Feet, tender tendrils of green start to rise, so magical I can’t
come down to earth, my soul is still caught between the pages
of my book Wintersmith, while life around me seems nonsensical,
I was scared of floating too high and losing track of this life, it
happened again, a form of magic for me, the painful movement
between dream and reality…

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