Monday, April 23, 2012

Alive In Our Minds

Yes we dream - but instead of lamenting the fact that
we can only realise a few of the things we dream about
in physical life while the rest has no place in our 3-D
reality because of conflicting interests and people’s
freedom to make all kinds of decisions –

I look at the lovely multidimensional quality dreams give
to reality;  sometimes I cry after reading a GOOD book
because it is not real, it is fiction, just a story, an ideal -
but then the stories go on living in my heart and mind
and enrich my life in material reality

I decided to treat dreams in the same way – instead of
giving up dreaming as most people do because they
cannot fulfill their dreams, I regard dreams as wonderful
alternatives enriching the thin line of sensory reality and
creating spiritual realms reaching into eternity

Of course we cannot live all our dreams – but we can write
them down, savour them in our mind, enjoy elaborating
them - just as we do good books and poetry - we have
unlimited freedom in the mind to make spiritual and mental
realms as wide and big as we like

Nobody can stop the stories growing in my mind, weaving
thought-forms that entice and bemuse and delight – and so
giving us power to tackle the thin 3-D reality with all its duties
– while the whole of infinity and eternity is alive in our minds!

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