Monday, April 23, 2012

Changed So Wondrously

Amazing how unique and individual we are, how the colour of
glasses we wear - the way we see the world determine what we
see, how we focus on it, what we derive from it, how negative or
positive we use it; how we gossip about those who differ from us

Some amazing souls seem to derive beauty and comfort from
events that make me run away while others seem to hate the
wonderful ideas that make me inflate and rise above my own
self until my spirit is high in the clouds

Some people manage to change EVERYTHING they come
across into a terrible, scary experience while others seem to
find uplifting ideas in the meanest occurrence; I have tried
shifting my focus to look at all viewpoints at once –

And came to the conclusion the best experience is to imitate
positive people & inspiring ideas as negative experiences and
ideas come all by themselves without encouragement – a
dream can be crushed by simply revealing it

Having others destroy it with their opinions – I treasure and
guard gloriously fragile ideas, try to find those whose minds
predispose them to see life in a positive light - I respect and
honour cynical people, am frequently depressed myself

But since focusing on it simply worsens all problems, I change
mental gears manually and keep going in the direction of the sun
on the horizon, no matter how dark my life and how determined
people to indoctrinate me to see how bad things can seem

This is the only way to lift off and change things - and my life
has changed so wondrously since I have followed the policy
of reaching for the light like a flower following the sun…

Tuesday 24 April 2012

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