Sunday, May 6, 2012

Dear World

Dear World, I so often forget that you think differently
from me, whereas I respect & value different opinions
I forget that everybody has a different personality, sees
life in a different light – sometimes when I express pain
or delight in hoping a reader might get an inkling of how
it felt - yet nobody seems to feel the same way, I feel bad
– thinking I have failed
Afterwards I remember writing poetry is important as a way
of expressing feelings, NOT a way to try and impress anyone
else - because true expression of true feeling cannot become
a popularity contest, it is the reader’s prerogative to feel and
react as they do
Cool people find my emotional expressions strange while I am
confused by their calm way of dealing with the world; but I LIKE
their way of being Saturnine and self-sufficient and apologise for
not always respecting quiet detachment – especially as I very
much approve of it  - I just forget how big the difference is
Reality is better than dreams because reality is wider – every
dream is limited, collapsing the infinite possibilities of reality
into small expression  - I prefer escaping the self-centred
melodrama of dreams in reality which enables us to
continue recreating dreams and reworking visions

Sunday 6 May 2012 

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