Thursday, June 25, 2009

Staring In Stupefaction

I must see the doctor again, I’m too tired
to frolic with the kids, too tired to stand
upright for a while, too tired to think, too
tired to feel; too tired to read my beloved
Terry Pratchett!

I can’t read anything except one short
note of marvellous fantasy – a story that
someone is writing, so beautiful that even
now my heart is gladdened by this last
episode; but this short spurt of energy

heightens the awareness of my general
lethargy- Nici came in to say goodnight
and I couldn’t wait for silence again, at
work I can’t take in what I read and look
up everything and forget it

As soon as I’ve seen it; the fictional
characters in my head are so fed-up with
my slow thinking processes; they refuse to
appear and act out any exciting event, no
adventures left, I swallow pills by the dozen

Smile and play; today I grew SO tired during
our school uniform day, I had to sit down –
this isn’t right, I enjoyed the game so much;
then had to rest – tomorrow something must
be done, I feel so bad and inferior

When my mind does not work and I can’t
translate anything, just staring at a text
in stupefaction...

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