Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Psychedelic Experience

Finally balanced the laptop on a pillow
my eyes decided they are strong enough
to see without any glasses at all - trying to
manoeuvre multifocal eyes between text
on the left, keyboard low down, screen
up there - proved to be

A psychedelic experience within a babble
of surrealist noise, listening to Classic FM
in the kitchen, hubby enjoying the saddest
folk music programme he could find in the
lounge, kids watching Harry Potter full blast
hubby turning up his own volume

Nici looking for her cat calling all over, I love
this commotion, though sitting here, not part of
any of these groups, I can’t function without them
trying to translate my eerie work document - a
forlorn voice delineating her own dereliction of
duty, blaming all others

I had better invite her to join my sacred mission of
contrite guilt admission, kissing floors, saying
prayers in a kneeling position, maybe she and
I could obtain absolution together or keep a
date with Beelzebub, ready to roast us both
alive for being so incompetent…

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