Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tearful Cheerful Fairy

I love those friendly doors in the far-off planets
of the universe described by Douglas Adams
expressing delight in opening and closing and
driving Marvin the Paranoid Android deeper
into despair, until growing weary, sinking to
sulk in basements - just like we do –

Reminding me of Pratchett's tearful Cheerful
Fairy who cried when all the wizards refused
to cheer up in Hogsfather – today my store of
cheerfulness is all used up, tonight I shall re-
turn to Wonderland to fill up with delightful
ideas with which to recreate reality

I am all used up trying to enjoy researching
terms to relate a boring source document with-
out changing the boring format in the target
language, every time my attention wanders
my colleague appears, exuding unwavering
good cheer and work ethic

To give me more documents which I should
do with alacrity according to my spiritualist
guru if I want to benefit from life – but I don’t
want to benefit any more, I would prefer to
flee to find more adventure somewhere…

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