Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Saturday Diary Notes

...................Saturday 13 November 2010

Very proud on completing a few weekend projects
finished reading THUD and an English newspaper
to enlarge vocabulary, rented Fantasia No.1 by
Walt Disney – though fell asleep watching it

Took Nici shopping, finally tackled the kitchen listening
to Radio Pretoria reminding me of my dad - washing
dishes while imagining I am a dancer doing a new
routine, wiggling while splashing water

A fast polka playing, wishing my dad had taught me
how to do it, we seldom accompanied him to family
gatherings where everyone danced - I suspect
twirling through the kitchen until feeling dizzy

Is not exactly how it should be done, but I really have
no idea; now to choose what to read, either “Up the
Down Escalator” or “The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s
Guide” - since my brain functions

In the way Dr Damasio describes the case of Phineas
Gage, it is impossible to decide - I would rather look
at photos to speculate on how much character
facial expression can reveal

Phrenology is always intriguing…

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