Friday, June 15, 2012

Passion For Passion’s Sake


I focus on things I ENJOY, that make me feel
better, richer, happier, more content, energetic,
optimistic, uplifted, empowered and enthusiastic

I tried a lot of things, if I disliked the person or the
genre I don’t return to it, only revisiting those with
dividends in terms of more happiness and wisdom
and enjoyment of beauty, harmony and music

This is why I return to poetry, the aesthetic joy in
rhythmical, flowing lines of words is FABULOUS

I’m resigned to be me – isn’t it wonderful, to grow
old and resigned to oneself, all our shortcomings
and idiotic phobias and just focus on strong points?

I FEEL joy when reading beautiful lines, unwilling to
lose this joy in order to gain the ability to read horrible,
painful, insulting, embarrassing, heart-breaking things
without feeling the pain

I respect everybody’s right to inflict as much pain
on themselves and others as they please while
reserving the freedom to refuse participation
unless my presence and action can make
a difference

I willingly share problems and sorrows if my presence
empathy and insight can ease discomfort and bring 
peace of mind BUT if a situation is outside my 
interactive ability, I won’t force entry to try to 
change anything

I regard my ability to wonder and experience wonderment
as my most precious possession, the cornerstone of my
attitude towards life - a lack of curiosity about religious
texts and spiritual material is strange to my insatiable
quest, I stare in wonderment at cynical material

Losing the ability to wonder means losing the most
beautiful, exciting, adventurous feeling and experience
I know of, I GUARD this TREASURE with total dedication

My experiments with cynicism and worldly-wise boredom
proved these experiences to be the most horrible of my 
life - I LOVE passion for passion’s sake

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