Monday, November 23, 2009

Answer ‘Afterlife Experiments’ No

*In ‘The Afterlife Experiments’ Gary Schwartz
surmises evidence that life and love is eternal
would change humankind – I have news for
him, knowing something does not change
anything, only deciding what to do with new
information determines what humans become

Humankind has reacted in the same way to
changing beliefs during all the ages, people’s
minds look for an opportunity to cash in on
any belief, make use of any ‘truth’ to make
money and enjoy life, seeking fun or feeling
better all the time – a belief in life after death

Based on experiments will only create more
opportunity for enterprising humans to part
gullible people from their money, politicians
will use new-fangled religions to govern
people like sheep; dabbling with anything
beyond the reach of the senses

Is a brilliant mechanism for misuse, if we
cannot use our senses to test it, personal
experience should remain subjective,
limited to the individual who was lucky
enough to experience epiphany, if not
the non-sensory becomes a yoke

People forced by threatening visions of
eternal life, yet unable to love – as most
of us are – to try and get along with others
will not love more, living in love is a per-
sonal choice, does not include trust; only
an idiot would trust humans en masse

With custody of valuable feelings, life is
a sensory experience to be engaged in
freely, allowing that 75% of what we see
will never appeal to us, but not worrying
about it as we enjoy the 25% that
appeals to us individually!

Gary Schwartz ‘The Afterlife Experiments’ Atria
Books, 2002, Preface p. XV – The answer to the
questions posed is an unequivocal NO. I enjoy
reading about the experiments, but belief in
them changes nothing.

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