Tuesday, October 18, 2022

An Epicurean Stoic Or A Stoic Epicurean

Google and Facebook are my favourite pests, like

precocious kids willing to help all the time & getting

it wrong because they know nothing about context -

their assistance - mostly offered unsolicited -


Drives every rational human being round the bend 

& will be a great distraction to a translator looking

for terms on the Internet - the worst is, Facebook

wants every individual to make the acquaintance


Of every other breathing human being on the planet,

it looks as if it even wants to introduce you to every

possible alien there might be, Facebook brings every

friend you had the audacity to accept, together with


A thousand other friends in case you see a new face

you want to add to your own menagerie - I know I’m

very susceptible, then it struck me ALL people are

susceptible, they only stick to what they have been


Indoctrinated with and which has been sanctioned

as conventional and safe, never looking for the “Road

Less Traveled”, thus they are never challenged, never

change their opinions and convictions, when they


Come across a new idea, they quickly block it from

consciousness - fearing that having an open mind

might cause their brains to fall out - not realising

their mind already is churned cream cheese -


While I protect my mind from “conventional wisdom”

by looking at the world with common sense, I enjoy

intellectual challenges & irrational, illogical concepts

which make most people flee fearing they might


Discover they were wrong, susceptible people follow

the crowd to ensure they don’t deviate from current

authority & stand out - if they were alive when Orville

and Wilbur Wright were trying out flying, they would


Have burned them at the stake for daring to suggest

flying is possible & while I flee crowd mentality, dear

Facebook keeps herding everybody: though Google

is my best friend and entertainment, I know that


Everything it presents is in need of context - let me

conclude: - Google and Facebook are my favourite

pests & best friends, for their classification system,

I hope to present myself as I wish to be seen -


An Epicurean Stoic or a Stoic Epicurean…

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