Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Illogical and Irrational to the nth Degree

The ways and means of the medical fraternity is

the same as warfare everywhere - namely throw

as many soldiers at the enemy as you can - the

side who kills the most usually wins - and since


In autoimmune disease the body cells attack them-

selves - the quacks think that killing the body cells

indiscriminately through chemotherapy might result

in so many cells destroyed, the few living cells left


Will stop fighting themselves and choose living, thus

the body might heal - as I studied this line of thinking

it seemed absurd: if body cells are acting as killers &

thus we send in more killers to increase the conflict


To see whether warfare could result in soldier cells

killed so that peaceful civilian cells can regenerate,

but nobody knows which is which - this does not

make sense - nor does it appeal to me, looks like


We are better off making our own plans when war

breaks out in the body since attacking every cell in

the body seems contrary to common sense, being

illogical and irrational to the nth degree!

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