Friday, June 4, 2010

Eternally Valid, Beautific Ideas

I fully submit to and accept as my due
any punitive measures that are applicable,
I shall reread every document and if I cannot
master the art of studying unmusical stuff, I shall
expire quietly, seek the Bermuda Triangle and
disappear within its embrace, or sink into the
growing Black Hole in my mind

I shall persist in affliction and self-immolation
until I can desist from committing gross negligence
in failing to research the correct terminology for every
concept and grammar rule, for every thing that is claimed
in the source document

I see visions of a future wherein I shall conquer the evil
sin of omitting to pursue my duty single-mindedly or die
in the attempt, let my spirit expire and my soul shrivel if
I have to in order to serve the community in expressing
their eternally valid, beautific ideas, in honouring every
word that was written by another hand other than mine,
in idolising the magnificent officials and brilliant authors
out there who so graciously honour mankind by putting
their stupendous and scintillating ideas on paper for me
to adore and translate without changing a single concept
or idea, magnifying the grace of their eternal creations by
translating faithfully, trying to probe obscure meanings
with supernatural force if I cannot fathom it immediately,
in short, I shall render my due unto Ceasar as behoves the
serving bureaucrat that I am

“In future, any report or assessment you submit, whatever the
state thereof, will be given as is to DD/FLEA and D/TE and
will serve before the moderation committee

In future, if your work is not of an acceptable quality, it will be
returned unto you, repeatedly if necessary, until it is acceptable”

I apologise for my inability to master administration and
bureaucracy, I know I am an unworthy official and accept
all censure as my rightful due and hope to humiliate my spirit
sufficiently to become an efficient bureaucratic official

I am sorry that I did not idolise this status and ideal before and
will try to make amends by elevating it to the status of highest
objective of my life

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Dying Eventually

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