Thursday, June 17, 2010

Simile Of Deliverance (Rev.)


I love ancient minds, the grandiose
thoughts of bygone tale-tellers, their
sense of awe, infusing all they saw
with supernatural significance and
deeper meaning

I share their cosmological delight in
a machine too vast for mankind to
penetrate or understand, reject their
helplessness and despair in a
mystifying universe

To succor my belief I NEED a kind
intelligence as creative origin of all that
exist, ideas of malevolence as creation
kills my spirit; though I cannot
breathe in materialism,

the thin, cold air of cynicism, nor feel
joy in small three-dimensional reality
I will not face over-powering tragedy
of an evil universe blindly grinding
its unfeeling millstone

If I am to live as a useful, pragmatic,
hard-working human being I need to
rest my mind in beautiful thoughts of
harmony, benevolence and rational

I won’t be the toy of harsh, unfeeling
powers else I die of despair, I admire
loving intent of a Christ-dreamer using
ideas of Precession to create a simile
of deliverance

for a suffering humanity …


Matt D said...

Following along ... all you write is wonderful. Reading this one, I'm thinking I like mystery and wonder, and I don't think we'll ever really understand everything, but we can keep making baby steps forward if we try. :)

abrham said...

O goedheid God’s hier nooit volprese, wie word daardeur
nie diep getref, hoe snood ondankbaar is die wese wat nie sy
hart tot U verhef, aan U alleen sy dank en ere, laat dit my lus
my lied hier bly, Vergeet my siel dan nooit die Here,
want nooit vergeet die Here my!

ek het vanoggend wakker geword met die tune in my kop. ek google toe vergeetagtige woorde e voila! daar ontdek ek n fontein. soos ek lees so word ek gemesmeraais ...

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