Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Believe To See Miracles

Joie de vivre is so uplifting, it seems like a moral imperative

to me and in the Bible it is, when we begin with the wonderful

joie de vivre David experienced in slaying Goliath because he

put his trust in a Higher Power than himself, and Samson’s joy

when he killed a lion and ate the honey the bees made in the

carcass, then met Delilah and fell in love, suffering afterwards


Until his hair was long again just to pull down the temple on the

Philistines: Psalms and the New Testament advise us gird our

lions and believe to see miracles come true - when we look at

the lines advising we should live in joy, it truly becomes a moral

duty even when things go awry, when we grow older and learn

control of our emotions, we find a positive attitude changes the


World and using our common sense keeps us from harm, and by

following the Ten Commandments we show respect and should

respect not be returned we leave and find a place where we fit in,

playing life as a moral game in which everyone wins if they apply

common sense rules, makes me desire more joie de vivre every

moment of every day - although we are frequently led to believe


That evildoers are joyful - every time I do wrong I feel awful thus I

can’t concoct a story where the characters commit crimes against

each other, I leave these themes to devotees of 5-sensory realism

while I go explore the invisible realms of the imagination… 

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