Sunday, September 26, 2010

No-One Left

When Anne Franck and her family hiding
in ‘Het Achterhuis’ was discovered through
a traitor’s words and Anne was taken to a
concentration camp, her hair all shaved off
her sister dead, father and mother lost

She cried and said, over and over, ‘There is
no-one left, there is no-one left’ and there her
own life stopped, that sad moment in time is
still in the air, every time I come across the
memory of Anne’s last words, I cry again

For her there was no-one left, what happened
afterwards in non-physical consciousness is
anybody’s guess, it cannot be fathomed - the
broken-hearted moment shall endure beyond
the confines of time for evermore…

1 comment:

Matt D said...


You might want to check out Viktor Frankl's _Man's Search for Meaning_:

He is concentration camp surviver, and the experience strongly influenced what he says in the book.

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